christmas treasures 2024
Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. Isaiah 58:10
This is Youngs Church’s 15th year of participating in the annual CHRISTmas Trueasures program founded by Renee Palakovic. Thank you to all the elves who helped move boxes and set up!
Read more about CHRISTmas Treasures here!![0]=AZX7a04RPwewSeP7ars5-gzhhWH33gUcHorY9xNgak6d_DQHrwdWbMVFp12g0lDbvVbj59dhfp1wgyjLIUsBI5RCoxeiNYXKoLRpfEzJP98TM1xOeClPVu-FbHNPOherdpB2CQwSRytI5AqgBBXVDw5lTF7YIbm5nlNziR_b8wC6Hg&__tn__=-UK-R